Vintage Racing was founded in 2011 by a group of highly passionate classic car enthusiasts. After five years of existence, it was time to give the association a relaunch.After a personnel change in the board, the assembly decided to realign the association to the changed vision and needs of the members.
Our call: advice and support this strategic relaunch.
After 5 years of existence the Board of BBG Vintage Racing decided to celebrate the anniversary with some special events, merchandising and revamping the WEB presence.
Our goal was to support BBG Vintage Racing in all anniversary activities and advice on a sustainable revamp of the WEB presence that would last for the next years, helping the members to be aware of the activities and attracting more visits on the page.
We successfully advised, implemented and produced the anniversary logo, merchandising materials and events. Further we launched a fully responsive and state of the art WEB presence in Italian and English, including social media channels.
BBG Vintage Racing is very happy with the advice and support they experienced. Actually we’re working on further develop the webpage to an attractive source of information and WEB hub for Classic Car Entusiasts.